Thursday, February 3, 2011

Welcome to Covenant Restoration Ministries

We believe that church can’t change anyone’s life. Only Jesus Christ can change a life. At CRM, we exist to lead people to a real relationship with Jesus Christ.

At CRM we are about people, not just programs. An important part of our vision is to see everyone using their gifts and passions in ministry. We believe life is a journey and we want to partner with you to coach, support and facilitate growth within you our family.

CRM meets every Sunday at 8:15, 1:30, and 5:00pm to experience life together in the mission God has given us. Whether you are a Launch Team member, new to CRM, or seeking answers about God– you are invited to participate in our other weekly gatherings and in our Life Groups.

Through arts, service projects, and community projects, CRM encourages others to invest in the lives of people. We strive to create a culture where genuine community is the norm. Our hope and goal is that those with physical and spiritual needs will experience life change, move toward Jesus Christ and then be compelled to be a blessing to others.

We recognize that CRM will never reach its full potential unless every member is engaged in ministry. CRM’s services and programs rely on each individual working together for the common goal of extending Christ love throughout the world.